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Yamaha CBR12 Passive Loudspeaker

Passive 2-way speaker bass-reflex type with a frequency range of 48 Hz - 20 kHz and a maximum power of 700 W. It features specially designed custom transducers and high definition sound, solid plastic construction with 2 handles on side, suitable...
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488 €
Passive Loudspeaker Yamaha CBR12 Passive Loudspeaker

Yamaha CBR12 Passive Loudspeaker

488 €

Product code: CBR12 | ID: 217686

Yamaha CBR12 Passive Loudspeaker

Passive 2-way speaker bass-reflex type with a frequency range of 48 Hz - 20 kHz and a maximum power of 700 W. It features specially designed custom transducers and high definition sound, solid plastic construction with 2 handles on side, suitable for frequent transfer, and easy connection, ensuring universal use in many configurations. The speaker is equipped with a 12" cone, 2" voice coil and 1,4" voice coil/compressive driver (all ferrite magnets). It offers a 2.1 kHz crossover, the nominal impedance of 8 ohms, sensitivity 96 dB SPL and the maximum volume of 125 db SPL. It equipped with a 1/4" headphone jack and speakON NL4MP connectors, and socket with a diameter of 35 mm. Included is a mounting hardware. Dimensions: 376 x 601 x 348 mm, weight: 13,9 kg. Black colour design.

Parameters and specifications









Middle Speaker


Frequency Range



Inputs and Outputs


Power RMS

Sound Pressure Level (SPL)


96 dB


Package Quantity (pcs)


Power supply

Power (Watt)




Dimensions and Weight

Height (cm)


Width (cm)


Depth (cm)




Made in


Recommended accessories


4,90 / 5

Based on the number of reviews: 5

5 5
4 0
3 0
2 0
1 0

All reviews come from verified customers who have purchased a product from us in the past.


Luboš K.

cz Flag

Czech Republic


Překvapila mě kvalita zvuku a především výkon. Na vystoupení se přítomní muzikanti chodí dívat na co to hrajem, že je tak dobrý zvuk. Koupil bych si to znovu.

I was surprised by the sound quality and especially the performance. At the performance, the musicians present come to see what I'm playing, the sound is so good. I would buy it again.

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Peter G.

sk Flag



No, tak tento nenápadný malý divoch zahambí aj omnoho drahšie reprosústavy zvučných mien. Veľké prekvapenie v malom balení 🙂👍

Well, this inconspicuous little savage puts to shame even much more expensive speaker systems of famous names. A big surprise in a small package 🙂👍

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Peter G.

sk Flag



Využili sme možnosť porovnať všetky aktívne a pasívne reproduktory dostupné na európskom trhu za účelom vytipovať čo najvhodnejší odposluchový monitor vyslovene pre akustické live aplikácie kde sa na snímanie nástrojov a spevov využívajú kondenzátorové mikrofóny. Vyskúšali sme skutočne dôkladne reprosústavy od každého výrobcu kde boli favoriti z produkcie takých značiek ako EV, JBL, BOSE a pod.... Zámer bol nájsť najvhodnejší monitor s priezračnými stredmi, čistými výškami a nebučiacimi - presnými basmi a samozrejme s minimalizovaním efektu spätnej väzby. Na naše obrovské prekvapenie to z prehľadom vyhrala nenápadná a cenovo veľmi príjemná YAMAHA CBR10. Jedným slovom "Neskutočný" a zvukovo veľmi neutrálny reprodusktor s krásne jasnými stredmi, neagresívnymi výškami a po minimálne korekcii nebučiacimi a presnými basmi. Tento reproduktor sa skutočne vydaril a cítiť že využíva technológiu dnes už legendárnej série DSR. Perfektná práca YAMAHA!

We took advantage of the opportunity to compare all active and passive loudspeakers available on the European market in order to select the most suitable monitoring monitor specifically for acoustic live applications where condenser microphones are used for recording instruments and vocals. We really thoroughly tested loudspeakers from every manufacturer, including favorites from brands such as EV, JBL, BOSE, etc. The intention was to find the most suitable monitor with transparent mids, clear highs and non-booming - accurate bass and, of course, minimizing the effect of feedback . To our great surprise, the inconspicuous and very reasonably priced YAMAHA CBR10 won outright. In one word, "Unreal" and sonically very neutral loudspeaker with beautifully clear mids, non-aggressive highs and, after minimal correction, non-booming and accurate bass. This speaker has really succeeded and you can feel that it uses the technology of the now legendary DSR series. Perfect job YAMAHA!

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cz Flag

Czech Republic


Perfektní ozvučení naší country kapely ve srovnání s komby, které jsme používali doposud. Bedny jsou, přes svůj výkon lehké, takže manipulace s nimi je velice snadná.

Perfect sounding for our country band compared to the combos we've used so far. Despite their performance, the crates are light, so handling them is very easy.

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Ján P.

sk Flag



som spokojný

I am satisfied

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